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Math Getting To Know You Activities for Middle Schoolers

[math getting to know you activities middle school] As students enter the middle school years, they begin to focus more on defining their own interests and identities. However, other students, activities, and lessons can help them feel ready for the future. By playing these math games, you can get to know you and keep you interested as you enter those tween years.

Estimation Practice

Estimation practice is a great way to practice and increase confidence in math skills that are still developing. Estimation challenges both your ability to read and understand numbers as well as your ability to “fill in the blanks” with your own knowledge of the topic.

To practice estimation, break out a large piece of paper and a pencil. Write at least three different numbers across the top of the paper and estimate where they should go. Next, estimate how close you were to the actual number. Keeping a tally of how many times you were right and wrong will help you recognize your strengths and weaknesses in these important math skills.

math getting to know you activities middle school
Math getting to know you activities middle school

Image Source: Freepik

Making Decisions with Math Games

Math games can help introduce basic concepts, help make connections between math and other subjects, and practice critical math skills. Many games are also great for teaching children proper decision-making skills. In addition, they can boost kids’ confidence as they learn to apply these skills in different situations.

Student can play math games alone or in a group. They can play them repeatedly. Some are easier than others for teaching a variety of skills, so be sure to find one that’s right for your child’s level. Math games help make connections between math and other subjects. For example, counting sequences can help children understand how the numbers are in connection with each other. They can also help children understand how the counting system is different in other countries, or how they can apply these skills in other situations.

What’s the Range?

Range practice is a great way to help kids understand percentages and work towards better understanding the concept of change. To practice this skill, first write a number in the top left corner of the paper. Write the second number just below, and write the third number below that. Next, have your child estimate how many more numbers lie between each one you wrote. Now, have your child do the same exercise but this time, write the numbers in order from lowest to highest. This will help kids practice and understand that a range doesn’t just include a specific number of numbers, but also the spaces between them.

Area of a Circle

A circle is one of the most basic shapes you can draw, but it can also be one of the most challenging to understand. Some middle schoolers will have a good grasp on the concept, while others will struggle with how to find the area of a circle. Practice with area of a circle activities can help alleviate some of this confusion. To practice finding the area of a circle, first draw the shape. Next, write the length of the shape next to the circumference or the diameter of the circle. You can practice this with a variety of different-size circles.

Word Problems in Statistics

Vocabulary and spelling are important for any age, but they become especially crucial for middle school students as they begin to learn about proper grammar and writing style. Statistics is a field that deals with words, so it’s important that your child is reading and spelling correctly. Statistics is also a topic that often comes up in word problems, so practicing these skills early on is a huge help.

Word problems in statistics are a great way to tie math skills to real-life applications. For example, if your child is learning the Pythagorean theorem, she can use the word problem to solve a problem. Word problems can help middle school students understand how numbers appear in everyday situations.

Coordinate and Graph Reading Practice

Coordinate and graph reading practice is a crucial skill that helps middle schoolers understand the connections between numbers and the order in which they are written. It helps kids understand the order in which numbers are written and the relationships between them. Graph reading practice can be done using a variety of tools, including a ruler and a piece of paper with a grid.

It can also be a real challenge for middle schoolers, so it’s a good idea to start early. These skills are especially important for geometry, a field of math that often becomes more complex as your child enters middle school. They can be done either at home or at school, so be sure to make time for it.


Math can be daunting for anyone, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach, young students can become confident in their math skills and be ready to face any challenge. These middle school math games can help get your child be ready on that journey.

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