Is learning with games only for fun?
Pokemon educational games are not just entertaining. They can also be educational. Playing games is a great way to learn new skills and boost your brain power.
This is because games teach us how to use the right technique, element, tool, weapon or strategy for the job.

For example, we use water-type techniques to fight fire-type Pokemon because water can put out fire.
This is because water-type techniques are more effective against fire-type Pokemon than they are against grass-type Pokemon.
A study from the American Psychological Association has shown that a positive attitude towards school is the most important factor in determining educational success.
Students are told to study hard or to study better, but it’s not just about studying harder. It’s about studying smarter, and understanding how to use your time effectively.
Encourage joyful exploration
We are designing some games to teach children how to learn. These games are not just fun, they are also educational. They can teach children the basics of reading, writing and math. They can also be used as a way of teaching specific skills like the scientific method or the art of solving puzzles.

Learning skills are becoming more important as the world is changing and we need to adapt. The skills that we learn in school, like reading, writing, and math, are still important. However, there are other skills that can be just as important or even more so.
These skills may not always be practical for the workplace but they can be very transferable to other areas of life where they will come in handy. For example, if you learn how to solve a puzzle in math class you might use this skill when you’re playing a game with your friends or when you’re trying to fix a broken toy.