STEM Tutor

Recruiting educational coding teens to be

‍The demand for programmers will only continue to grow. With programs like Google’s Summer of Code and Udacity’s coding courses, there is a growing awareness that having programmers who can write code is becoming more essential than ever. However, not many schools offer programs on how to recruit coding students. If you are looking to hire coders, take note of these recruiting trends you should know about as a school and employer. Keep reading this article for more information on what you need to know about educational coding, its benefits and challenges, tips and tricks, resources, and resources you can implement right away! [recruiting educational coding teens to be]

What is Educational Coding?

A program that teaches computer programming, usually through interactive lessons. Many different types of computer programming are covered, often including introduction to Java, Python, C, C++, and other common languages that we use in the workplace. The goal of the course is to eventually get students ready for the real-world process of programming.

Why recruit educational coders?

The demand for programmers will only continue to grow. With programs like Google’s Summer of Code and Udacity’s coding courses, there is a growing awareness that having programmers who can write code is becoming more essential than ever. However, not many schools offer programs on how to recruit coding students. If you are looking to hire coders, take note of these recruiting trends you should know about as a school and employer. Keep reading this article for more information on what you need to know about educational coding, its benefits and challenges, tips and tricks, resources, and resources you can implement right away!

recruiting educational coding teens to be
Recruiting educational coding teens to be

Image Source: FreeImages

Benefits of Recruiting Educational Coding Students

– You get a diverse range of skills within your team. – You get a diverse range of skills within your team. As an employer, you find that your team is made up of people who have varying skill levels. You may have people who know how to code at a high level, but haven’t programmed in a few years. Other team members who didn’t join any official training in coding, but are very eager to learn new skills. The same is true for your employees. In order to grow with the industry, companies need employees who can adapt to new skills and technologies as they become popular.

Challenges of Recruiting Educational Coding Students

They may have a hard time finding jobs after graduation Many coding bootcamps have initiated efforts to pair students with jobs after graduation, but the demand for students to find employment has been staggering. The problem may not be with the students, but the way the job market has been created. With the job market being flooded with people who are looking to learn coding as a profession, it can be difficult for students to find a place where they can actually use their new skills in programming.

Tips and tricks for recruiting educational coding students

– Talk to current students – Talk to current students If your school offers a programming course, it is possible to recruit students to be future employers. Students may be glad to share their experience, skills, and knowledge with other employers in their field. You can also look for student organizations that are focused on entrepreneurship and job skills. You can talk to current students who really likes coding, or who have completed the course and are looking for new opportunities.

– Offer Scholarships – Offer Scholarships Many bootcamps offer scholarships to students who are looking to learn coding, but not many schools offer scholarships. If you are a school that offers scholarships for incoming students, you can easily extend the offer to your current employees. Many employers offer scholarships to attract top-performing employees, and now coding bootcamps are offering scholarships to attract people to the field. Offer your scholarship program to current employees, and you may be surprised by how many return the offer!

Resources for hiring educational coders

– LinkedIn groups are great places to find the next generation of employees. If you are looking for someone with coding experience, you can post a request in the coding-related LinkedIn groups. You can also search for groups related to employers in your area, and see if there is a need for coding skills. You can also search for groups that are about education, and see if there are teachers looking for work opportunities.

– Job Boards Many coding bootcamps have their own job board, but most don’t. There are many job boards that are focused on hiring people with specific skills. CareerBuilder, and Dice are a few that may be useful for coding job postings.


Coding is becoming more and more important in the workplace, and hiring people with coding skills has never been easier! The demand for coders will only continue to grow, and schools will need to adapt and offer coding education to keep up. If your school doesn’t already offer coding classes, there is a huge opportunity to recruit students and bring in new revenue! With the right recruiting strategies, you can find and hire the best candidates, even if they have only completed a bootcamp. With the right resources, you can find these students and boost your hiring numbers, even if they have only completed an online course.

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