Piano Tutor

Online Piano Teacher Jobs: What You Need to Know

In this article, we’ll cover everything from what type of jobs are available as an online piano teacher to more specific ways to increase your chances of landing gigs as well as advice on how to negotiate fair pay and avoid scams when searching for gigs.

As a freelance online music teacher, you have so many options. You can teach privately or as part of a group lesson setting. You can teach piano to children or adults. And you can teach at home or in a studio setting with other instruments and accompaniment tracks. The possibilities are endless, but finding the right gig is not always easy. In this article, we’ll cover everything from what type of online piano teacher jobs are available to more specific ways to increase your chances of landing gigs. We also advice on how to negotiate fair pay and avoid scams when searching for gigs.

Know the difference between child, adult and group piano lessons.

While teaching online can be a great way to make some extra cash, you’ll want to be especially careful when picking which gigs you take. The type of lesson you choose can make a big difference in your earnings and the experience of your students.

First of all, it’s important to know the difference between a child piano lesson, an adult piano lesson, and group lessons.

A child piano lesson is for students who are under the age of 13. Group lessons are for students who are of any age, but most commonly for kids ages 3-6. Adult piano lessons, on the other hand, are for students who are 13 and older.

Most online teachers specialize in just one of these. However, it’s important to know the difference. As you should find gigs that are a great fit for your teaching style and students. It’s also important to note that there are plenty of online teachers who offer all three types of lessons. So be sure to ask in your research who’s available and what their rates are for each.

What Type of Freelance Online Piano Teacher Job Should You Look For?

This is the million-dollar question. Depending on what appeals to you most about teaching online, you might lean towards a specific type of gig or niche. But, regardless of your type preference, it’s important to keep an open mind. Besides, don’t get too attached to one type of gig over another.

Each gig may have its advantages over others, but there will always be something new to try if you keep an open mind! We recommend starting your search by looking at general freelance jobs. There are a ton of sites and forums that could help you find gigs. So you can search by specific types of jobs and niches. Keep in mind, though, that there are numerous sites and forums. So you’ll want to prioritize your own search results as well.

online piano teacher jobs
Tips for Freelance Online Piano Teacher Jobs

Jumpstart your search with a music teaching platform guide.

If you’re unsure of where to begin with your search for gigs, using a platform guide can really help jumpstart the process. Guide services are a great way to get your bearings and find your bearings quickly. Guide services allow you to search by specific traits, like age range, language, and experience level. Once you’ve narrowed your options down to a manageable amount, you can use the guide to find gigs that are a good fit.

Don’t confuse quantity with quality.

When trying to find gigs as an online piano teacher, it’s important to avoid being fooled by the lure of quantity over quality. Many online teaching jobs claim to offer a “gig every day,” but this is often a red flag. In reality, you might only find a single gig during a few weeks. You then be left without work until the following gig season. This may not seem like a big deal. But it can be a huge problem if you’re only getting paid on a weekly basis.

If you do end up with a ton of gigs, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity. And only accept gigs that you want to accept.

Help fund your education with crowdfunding gigs.

Many online gigs are for the purpose of funding your education. While these gigs may not be the most lucrative in terms of pay rate, they can be a great way to help fund your studies. The best way to find these gigs is to search for “fund my education”. Or search for “help me fund my education” in your chosen niche. You may also want to make a special note of any music teaching platform guides. As you come across, these are likely to be for funding your degree.

Avoid fake gigs and scams.

As tempting as it is to dive right into finding gigs as an online teacher, you’ll want to avoid rushing into things. You should always start by doing the necessary research and picking a platform to begin with. Rushing into your research can lead to a lot of wasted time. You could also face potential scams and fake gigs.


There are many ways to make money teaching music, but finding gigs as an online piano teacher can be a bit tricky. The best way to find gigs is to start by searching for general gigs, followed by jumping into specific niche gigs. Remember, there are a lot of fake gigs out there. It’s important to be cautious and not accept gigs that seem too good to be true, and avoid rushing into your search for gigs.

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