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The Best Jobs To Apply For: Vietnamese Teaching Jobs

If you are looking for a job in Southeast Asia, chances are that you’ll have to apply for an open teaching position in Vietnam. The growing economy of the country and its abundant supply of skilled workers has made it an ideal location for educational institutions like private schools, international universities, and language schools. Teaching jobs in Vietnam (Vietnamese teaching jobs) can be very rewarding once you find the right school for your career.

As with any new environment, it will take some time to settle in and become accustomed to the rhythm of life there. However, if you stick with it long enough, the rewards can be great! In this article, we’ll discuss what kind of teaching jobs are available in Vietnam along with some important tips on how to get one without wasting your time.

What Is a Teaching Job in Vietnam?

Teaching jobs in Vietnam fall under two major categories: full-time and part-time. Full-time teaching jobs are quite common in Vietnam, as the country has a high demand for foreign teachers.

With the country’s growing economy and low cost of living, the demand for foreign teachers is expected to increase in the near future. On the other hand, part-time teaching jobs are abundant in Vietnam as well. This is because many foreign teachers return home to their home countries during the summer months. Both full-time and part-time teaching jobs in Vietnam can be a great way to supplement your current income while you search for something more permanent.

Different Types of Teaching Jobs in Vietnam

– Full-Time Teaching Jobs

– Part-Time Teaching Jobs

– Short-Term Teaching Jobs

– Home-Based Teaching Jobs

– Other Teaching Jobs in Vietnam

vietnamese teaching jobs
Vietnamese teaching jobs

How to Get a Teaching Job In Vietnam?

Teaching jobs in Vietnam are not easy to get your hands on. Since the country has one of the fastest-growing economies in Asia, there are a lot of qualified applicants for every open teaching job. Therefore, it’s important to have a strategy in place before applying. Whether you are applying online or applying for an on-campus interview, your goal should be to stand out from the crowd. Follow these tips to help you get a teaching job in Vietnam.

– Research the Job Advertisement: Before applying for any job, it’s important to do your research. First, you should search for any job announcements on the governments’ job portals. These portals often post new job announcements as new laws come into effect.

– Find Similar Posts on Google: Once you have an idea of what the job is about, conduct a Google search to get a better idea of the requirements and the hiring standard. You can also find many useful articles that discuss teaching job trends in Vietnam on Reddit.

– Attend Job Interview Events: The best way to get a job in Vietnam is to attend the events for that job. You can find information about such events through forums or social media groups dedicated to teaching jobs in Vietnam. You can also ask your friends who work in the same field if they know of any events going on in your area.

– Join General Interest Groups: If you are looking for full-time jobs in Vietnam, it’s important to get involved with the local community. This can be done through volunteering, participating in community events, or simply making friends with people in your area.

– Apply for Internship Jobs: Teaching jobs in Vietnam often come with the option to participate in an internship. This can be a great way to gain experience and make some extra money during the summer months. Internships can last from a few weeks to a few months, so make sure to pick one that fits your schedule.

– Network With Professionals: As with any job hunt, networking is an integral part of finding a teaching job in Vietnam. This can be done by attending career fairs, networking events, or simply meeting people who work in the same field as you.

Important Things to Remember When Applying for a Teaching Job in Vietnam

– Research the Job Advertisement: Before applying for any job, it’s important to do your research. First, you should search for any job announcements on the governments’ job portals. These portals often post new job announcements as new laws come into effect.

– Find Similar Posts on Google: Once you have an idea of what the job is about, conduct a Google search to get a better idea of the requirements and the hiring standard. You can also find many useful articles that discuss teaching job trends in Vietnam on Reddit.

– Attend Job Interview Events: The best way to get a job in Vietnam is to attend the events for that job. You can find information about such events through forums or social media groups dedicated to teaching jobs in Vietnam. You can also ask your friends who work in the same field if they know of any events going on in your area.

– Network With Professionals: As with any job hunt, networking is an integral part of finding a teaching job in Vietnam. This can be done by attending career fairs, networking events, or simply making friends with people in your area.

5 Steps to Landing a Teaching Job in Vietnam

– Search for Teaching Jobs: When looking for a teaching job in Vietnam, the first place to start is Google. Search for the job title and make sure to include the location. You can also use job portals like and to find teaching jobs in Vietnam.

– Attend Job Interview Events: The best way to get a job in Vietnam is to attend the events for that job. You can find information about such events through forums or social media groups dedicated to teaching jobs in Vietnam.

– Network With Professionals: As with any job hunt, networking is an integral part of finding a teaching job in Vietnam. This can be done by attending career fairs, networking events, or simply making friends with people in your area.

– Apply for Internship Jobs: Teaching jobs often come with the option to participate in an internship. This can be a great way to gain experience and make some extra money during the summer months. Internships can last from a few weeks to a few months, so make sure to pick one that fits your schedule.


With low costs of living and a growing economy, Vietnam is an ideal location for foreigners looking to find a teaching job. Whether you are looking for a full-time or a part-time job, there is a lot of opportunity for foreigners in this market. When it comes time to apply for a teaching job in Vietnam, keep these tips in mind to help you get the position.

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